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Men Don’t Ask for Directions.

New Dad Handbook helps new dads navigate the mysteries of fatherhood. Dads get tips, tools and tricks for the ten stages in kids' lives, from newborn to 18+.  It’s a quick How-To, about good humor, good habits, good talking and good listening. It’s a lot of work. And a lot of fun. Being a dad is the most awesome responsibility a man will face in his life. It is also his greatest joy.

FORWARD by Dr. Padma Talchercar, M.D. Pediatrician 

"New Dad Handbook is especially valuable, stressing a father's need to be equally involved with the mother in raising his child. It's a practical, how-to, hands-on book for new fathers. Brief and 

to the point, it summarizes well each stage of child development. It covers the salient points a father needs to be aware of and tells simply how to handle his child and his role as father."

Dr. Talchercar spent 30 years in private practice of Pediatrics. 

She practiced at hospitals, world class facilities, including Cook County Hospital and University of Chicago Wyler Children's Hospital. She taught Pediatrics at Rush University Medical School and Southern Illinois University Medical School.

Sample Chapters

Typical Tips

Tip for a pacifier-dependent child who won’t surrender. Tie the pacifier on a short string to a doorknob. When the child needs a fix, the prize will be there, hanging on the door. Boredom and embarrassment will eventually lead the child away. 

Tip for easy bedtime. Start a bedtime schedule early. A Magic Phrase – “It’s time.” For bed, bath, etc. - time dictates action now. A good habit that saves arguments and teaches that the schedule dictates action.

Tip for teaching skills. Give them easy responsibilities. Have them make their bed, help cook meals, put away laundry, care for a plant or pet. Pre-set consequences for failure to satisfy them. Expectations are better than rules.

Tip for their future. Start their college fund. Now.

©  Robert Richter